Slow Stitching

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Recently I discovered SLOW STITCHING and I am hooked. I really love the primitive look of it all. I have been adding it to my journal covers. I have always enjoyed a warm welcoming cover to my journals. Something that says, ”This is home and you are safe to create.” Slow Stitching has been that warm safe welcome.

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I have been thinking about why slow stitching is so life changing. For me I think of it the same way I think of intuitive painting. Less perfection more mindfulness. I also love that it easily portable. I can do it in the car, bed, couch with out making a mess. Painting…you can’t always do that.

There is also this sense of satisfaction when you complete a piece. It is something you feel deeply about. It is spectacular.

It is interesting as you read into the art it was basically created out of a need to breathe life back into everyday fabric items. If there was a whole in your jeans you patched them, you did not go buy a new pair. If there was a whole in your sock you sewed it back up.

My Sister in Law tells a story of her late father in law. She said she was cleaning out closets and drawers. She had a bag of socks with holes and she through them away. Her father in law saw them and put them back on her doorstep. Later he called her to tell her that someone accidentally threw away a perfectly good bag of socks that just needed to be mended. She laughed and said he came from a different time.

I want to bring some of that different time back into my home. I want to mend the holes, re-use and repurpose. Generally I want to adapt a more mindful way of living. This isn’s something that will happen over night but it is a goal. I will let you know how I do.

Resources: Slow Stitch by Claire Wellesley-Smith , Pinterest, Instagram.

Eleaca Young

Creativity has always been a large part of my life. I believe that everyone is a creative, some people just have not discovered their passion yet. My goal is to share the message, “Go Forth and Create!”

Mixed media is my love. I thrive on the freedom of working in any medium I want and combining watercolor, ink, acrylics, fabrics-everything is fair game.

Living in Alaska, I am surrounded by beauty. I find the scenery and the people equally inspiring. the world is endlessly providing inspiration and my mission is to take full advantage. My favorites include color, nature, family, books, people and so much more.

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