Alaska Artist Profile ::: Dana Morningstar Designs ::: Jewelry

It is my honor to introduce you to Dana Williams. She is one of my dear friends and an amazing artist. She is tiny bundle of adventure. She was not born in Alaska but she proudly calls it home.


1.  How long have you lived in Alaska?

I have lived in Alaska for 23 years

Where did you come from and what brought you to Alaska?

I grew up in South Carolina and started traveling after college and landed in Alaska after reading an article in Backpacker magazine and being inspired by the beautiful mountains.   I came for a summer and decided to settle here year round after spending six summers working seasonally.  

2. Where you live in Alaska and what is something unique about your location?

I live in Cantwell Alaska and it is fairly remote meaning a couple hours from a city.  I love the peace and quiet that this area provides, away from the main tourist area Denali but yet more beautiful in my opinion.  Being surrounded by the mountains is what I love best.  

3. What is your creative medium?

I work with birch bark, caribou antler, metal and beads to create jewelry.  I love the beauty that natural objects like the bark and antler have and when you add other mediums to them like beads and metal you have something very unique.  

4.  How does Alaska influence your art?

Alaska influences my art mostly because I use objects found in the natural surroundings to create my jewelry.  I often make the excuse that I am "getting inspired" to create while I am out hiking and skiing just so I can feel better about skipping out on work.  However,  I am inspired by being outside!  

5.  Where is your favorite place in Alaska?

My favorite place in Alaska.....there are so many!  I haven't seen near enough of this majestic state yet but whenever I go somewhere amazing like Valdez, Kodiak, the Wrangell mountains, Talkeetna, the Brooks Range...... I really feel so happy when I come home to Cantwell.  Especially driving up from the south and entering Broad Pass.  That's a great feeling, to be happy to be home.  

6.  What is your biggest struggle as an Alaska artist?

Ha!  My biggest struggle as an artist....and it's pretty big.... is staying in the studio and making progress.  I am an outside person and it kills me to be in the studio when the sun is shining.  Ok, even when it's raining I have a hard time being inside.  I always tell myself I'm going to work the whole day but then I end up going skiing or hiking and only getting a couple hours in the studio.  Being a busy mom doesn't allow much time to create either.

7.  Who is your Alaskan artist?

One of my favorite Alaskan artist is Judie Gumm.  She is a jewelry artist and she creates some really amazing jewelry that says Alaska just by looking at it.  Of course Leaca Young, Sonya Bitz and Marybee Kaufman have a special place in my heart as amazing artist and I have learned something great from all of them.  There is so much talent in the state and even in our community.  

8.  What is your favorite eatery in Alaska? (for those who visit Alaska)

My favorite place to eat in Alaska is 229 Parks.  I don't eat out very much and when I do I like to support a local business who has amazing food with great flavor and sources local ingredients.  

9. What is your favorite shop in Alaska?

My favorite shop in Alaska is Cabin Fever downtown Anchorage.  I love all the unique things they have and I hope to sell my jewelry in that shop some day.  

10.  Describe the typical Alaskan in three words or less.

Typical Alaskan...........unique, independent and adventurous

Dana’s Instagram:   @morningstardesignalaska

Dana’s Website:

Eleaca Young

Creativity has always been a large part of my life. I believe that everyone is a creative, some people just have not discovered their passion yet. My goal is to share the message, “Go Forth and Create!”

Mixed media is my love. I thrive on the freedom of working in any medium I want and combining watercolor, ink, acrylics, fabrics-everything is fair game.

Living in Alaska, I am surrounded by beauty. I find the scenery and the people equally inspiring. the world is endlessly providing inspiration and my mission is to take full advantage. My favorites include color, nature, family, books, people and so much more.

Slow Stitching


Happy Alaska ::: Ravens