29 Years of Marriage

My husband and I have been happily married for 29 years this month. He is this social, courageous, honorable man. Even if he wasn’t mine he would be a man I would admire. He is just a great husband and father. Oh, and grandfather, yes we are that old.

We met in high school (he was two years ahead) but did not date until a few years later. We grew up in a small town in Wyoming and my best friend and his best friend were brother and sister. So, we knew each other well. Years later when we met at a New Years celebration and that was all she wrote.

We have had many great experiences together and moving to Alaska is one of our greatest adventures. We packed up our three kids and set off. (I will share more on that later). Living away from family and friends has made us closer. We have only had each other to lean on.

Everyone always asks what is the key to a happy marriage. I think it is about making a life that works for you. Do not look to the outside for an image of what happy looks like. Be happy. Make a life TOGETHER that brings you joy. Remember to have fun.

OK…the mushy part is over. Let’s talk about fun and creative ways to be in a relationship. Date nights, love notes and such.

I found this site the other day that gives you fun dating ideas. A lot of the time I come up with my own idea but looking at ideas ‘sparks’ me. Check them out.

Leaving a love note for your husband letting him know how much you appreciate him strengthens your marriage one note at a time. Especially if you are not great about verbally telling him all the time. Remember this is not about you and what he does for you it is about him. Be sincere, cute, silly or flirty. Searching Pinterest for fun notes to leave him really helps spark some fun ideas.

Let him hear you pray for him. Early on, someone told me to let your husband hear you pray for him. Be specific. Best advice ever!

Can I just say thank you? Thank you for being here and letting me share my life with you. Have a beautiful day!

Eleaca Young

Creativity has always been a large part of my life. I believe that everyone is a creative, some people just have not discovered their passion yet. My goal is to share the message, “Go Forth and Create!”

Mixed media is my love. I thrive on the freedom of working in any medium I want and combining watercolor, ink, acrylics, fabrics-everything is fair game.

Living in Alaska, I am surrounded by beauty. I find the scenery and the people equally inspiring. the world is endlessly providing inspiration and my mission is to take full advantage. My favorites include color, nature, family, books, people and so much more.


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