Alaska Artist Profile ::: Emily Anderson ::: Musician

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I am so excited to share this artist with you. I love her music. I have her music scattered in my creative playlist on Spotify. I like to listen to authentic sounds as I create and she is authentic. I think you will love her too.

Emily Anderson

1. Where did you grow up??

I was born and raised in Fairbanks, Alaska: land of the midnight sun and too many coffee huts (or maybe exactly enough!).

2. What is your creative medium?

I'm a songwriter, vocalist, pianist, and ukulele player. 

3. How does Alaska influence your art?

I think the biggest influence in my art that Alaska has played is the community in which I was lucky enough to be raised. The Fairbanks arts community is so nurturing and supportive - I always felt like I could be myself and express myself through my songs, and there was a community there supporting me.

4. Where is your favorite place in Alaska?

I have so many favorite places in Alaska. Denali has a special place in my heart, especially Tonglen Lake. In Fairbanks my favorites are Murphy Dome, Chena Hot Springs, Creamers Field, and all the secret blueberry picking spots.

5. What is your biggest struggle as an Alaska artist?

Honestly my biggest struggle as an Alaskan artist is probably the long dark winters. It's an isolating place to tour out of, but something about the darkness is really hard to remain productive and motivated. I've been splitting my time between Alaska and Los Angeles which has been a huge help for my mental health. 

6. Who is one of your favorite Alaskan Artist?

I have so many favorite Alaskan artists!! Marian Call, Kat Moore, Annie B Good, Emma Hill, Michael Howard, Medium Build - there are so many incredible artists here.

7. What is your favorite eatery in Alaska?

So I'm allergic to very inconvenient things, and there are a few restaurants that literally know it's me when I call them by my order ('oh is this 'allergic to onions Emily?''). Hari Om is a new Indian restaurant I love. Lemongrass & Tiparos are my go-to for Thai.  And for coffee I love Little Owl and Stir it Up because their coffee is delicious and they have lots of gluten free things (because, again, I'm ridiculous to feed). 

8. What is your favorite shop in Alaska?

In My Element, hands down, is my favorite shop. They have the most amazing clothes and their customer services is unbelievable. I just love them so much.

9. Describe the typical Alaskan in three words or less.

Independent, Resilient, Creative

Where can we find you?



Simple Things


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Eleaca Young

Creativity has always been a large part of my life. I believe that everyone is a creative, some people just have not discovered their passion yet. My goal is to share the message, “Go Forth and Create!”

Mixed media is my love. I thrive on the freedom of working in any medium I want and combining watercolor, ink, acrylics, fabrics-everything is fair game.

Living in Alaska, I am surrounded by beauty. I find the scenery and the people equally inspiring. the world is endlessly providing inspiration and my mission is to take full advantage. My favorites include color, nature, family, books, people and so much more.

29 Years of Marriage


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