The 100 Day Project

This years project is very basic. I wanted something that broad enough I would not get bored or lose interest.

Last year I chose a challenging project because i wanted to improve my skills and this year I just wanted something that was fun. I guess maybe I will challenge myself to just have fun.

-Gather supplies

-Choose my substrate or journals

-Stock up on tons of glue

-Gather photo props

I think I am ready. How about you?

Eleaca Young

Creativity has always been a large part of my life. I believe that everyone is a creative, some people just have not discovered their passion yet. My goal is to share the message, “Go Forth and Create!”

Mixed media is my love. I thrive on the freedom of working in any medium I want and combining watercolor, ink, acrylics, fabrics-everything is fair game.

Living in Alaska, I am surrounded by beauty. I find the scenery and the people equally inspiring. the world is endlessly providing inspiration and my mission is to take full advantage. My favorites include color, nature, family, books, people and so much more.

Little Book of Paper Clothes


Vintage Botanicals PDF -- Tutorial