Capture ::: Christmas Home

Christmas -15.jpg

As I sit here in my room watching the snowfall, I am reminded of how fast time flies. “Enjoy every minute.”, I tell myself. Grabbing my camera and taking pictures was my way of freezing time, shining a light on the little things that mean so much.

I have to admit I have not had many dates with my camera. My husband bought me this 5D Mark III years ago. I have decided to make weekly dates with my 5D and shine the light on my little blessings and freeze time.

A couple of weeks ago I after I decorated the house I pulled this camera out and took some pictures. I am really out of practice. I am excited to learn some old tricks again.

For now, I thought I would share a few snapshots of my life.

Eleaca Young

Creativity has always been a large part of my life. I believe that everyone is a creative, some people just have not discovered their passion yet. My goal is to share the message, “Go Forth and Create!”

Mixed media is my love. I thrive on the freedom of working in any medium I want and combining watercolor, ink, acrylics, fabrics-everything is fair game.

Living in Alaska, I am surrounded by beauty. I find the scenery and the people equally inspiring. the world is endlessly providing inspiration and my mission is to take full advantage. My favorites include color, nature, family, books, people and so much more.

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