Alaska Artist Profile ::: Leaca Young


This is a new series I will be doing to introduce Alaskan Art to you. I thought I would start with me.

  1. How long have you lived in Alaska? Since 2005, we came from Wyoming but I was born in Nevada

  2. Where do you live (area) now and what is something unique about your location? I live in the Denali area and you can see Mt. McKinley from most places in this area.

  3. What is your creative medium? I am a mixed media and digital artist. I tend to live outside of the box. When I create I do what I want.

  4. How does Alaska influence your art? For years I thought my art was not influenced my Alaska because I am not your typical Alaskan artist. I do not paint a lot of wildlife or scenery. Recently, I have noticed things I am drawn to paint are from the nature that surrounds me. I am drawn to wildflowers, mountains, water, and I love birds.

  5. Where is your favorite place in Alaska? This is a tough one because we have lived in many areas of Alaska and fell in love with each place. Bristol Bay has the best views in the world. It is not connected by roads so it is virtually untouched by the outside world. It has views that will give you chills. The Yupik population are kind and hard working. Denali is where we are now and I absolutely love it here. It is connected by a road system but it is 3.5 hours away from any major town/city. It is home to the most interesting people. We have an Iditarod champion, Kombucha master, scientist that specialize in things like moss. Moss! It is fabulous to learn and live next to these individuals.

  6. What is your biggest struggle as an Alaska artist? Getting supplies shipped here is expensive and some things will not ship. It is frustrating.

  7. Who is one of your favorite Alaskan artist? I have many but if I am sharing one I always so with the first person I think of and that is Robin Farmer. Her work is beautiful. Once you meet her you realize what you see is what you get. Her art is a direct reflection of her. Her website, and Instagram.

  8. What is your favorite eatery in Alaska? I was visiting with a friend from Seattle and her husband travels the PNW region for work and he mentioned how this area has started to turn into a foodie attraction. We have good food, breweries, and coffee shops galore. I love the Red Chair for breakfast (Roasted Poblano Skillet) , Rustic Goat for lunch (Fried Cauliflower Bites), 229 Parks for dinner (Crab Ravioli).

  9. What is your favorite shop in Alaska? Denali Glass features local works of art only. It is a creative field trip every time I walk in there. AK Starfish is one of my favorite stops when I am in Anchorage.

  10. Describe the typical Alaskan in three words or less. One with nature

Where can we find you?


Eleaca Young

Creativity has always been a large part of my life. I believe that everyone is a creative, some people just have not discovered their passion yet. My goal is to share the message, “Go Forth and Create!”

Mixed media is my love. I thrive on the freedom of working in any medium I want and combining watercolor, ink, acrylics, fabrics-everything is fair game.

Living in Alaska, I am surrounded by beauty. I find the scenery and the people equally inspiring. the world is endlessly providing inspiration and my mission is to take full advantage. My favorites include color, nature, family, books, people and so much more.

Happy Alaska ::: Ravens


Finding Time to Create